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BalCanCan (2005) |
Bal-Can-Can (2005) |
Genre | Žanr:
Year | Godina:
Country | Zemlja:
Cast | Uloge:
Director | Režija:
Plot: This film tells the story of two friends Serafim and Vitomir who earned his living smuggling. Got involved once in questionable actions friends have problems with the police, resulting in the Seraphim is in prison, and Vitomir flees to Italy, crossing the Adriatic sea. Vitomir is now the head of the Italian Mafia, and his name is Don Vito. In the last years of his life Vitomir is haunted by the memory of the siblings. And on his deathbed Vitomir asks his son to find Seraphim. At this time, the son of Seraphim, Trendafil, along with his wife and beloved mother-in-Bulgaria cross the border to escape the civil war. Mother-in-law dies unexpectedly. Because of the inability to arrange a proper funeral, it was decided to wrap the body in a carpet and continue your way...» IMDb
Opis: Serafim i Vitomir su najbolji prijatelji i kumovi. Oni su sitni kriminalci i za vreme SFRJ bave se švercom robe sa zapada u Makedoniju. Nakon što lokalnom krimi bosu Šefketu zapadaju za oko, on im namešta pljačku u kojoj je nemoguće uspeti. U toku pljačke Serafima hvata policija a Vitomir beži u Italiju gde menja ime i postaje uspešan kriminalac. Puno godina kasnije u Italiji, Vitomir, sada Vito Genovese, na samrtničkoj postelji svome sinu, pravom talijanskom šminkeru Santinu, otkriva cijeli život skrivanu tajnu o sramotnom bijegu i moli ga da mu ispuni posljednju želju; ako ikada bude trebalo, neka pomogne sinu staroga prijatelja Serafima...» IMDb
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