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Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) |
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)Monti Pajton i Sveti Gral (1975) |
Genre | Žanr:
Year | Godina:
Country | Zemlja:
Cast | Uloge:
Director | Režija:
Plot: History is turned on its comic head when, in 10th century England, King Arthur travels the countryside to find knights who will join him at the Round Table in Camelot. Gathering up the men is a tale in itself but after a bit of a party at Camelot, many decide to leave only to be stopped by God who sends them on a quest: to find the Holy Grail. After a series of individual adventures, the knights are reunited but must face a wizard named Tim, killer rabbits and lessons in the use of holy hand grenades. Their quest comes to an end however when the police intervene - just what you would expect in a Monty Python movie...» IMDb
Opis: Kralj Arthur (Graham Chapman) kreće u potragu za hrabrim vitezovima, zajedno sa vjernim slugom Patsyjem (Terry Gilliam) koji poskakuje udarajući polovicama kokosovog oraha iza svog gazde ne bi li simulirao topot konja. Susreću se sa seljacima s kojima stupaju u krajnje neobične dijaloge, upuštaju se u filozofsku raspravu o pticama selicama da bi se sukobili sa famoznim, neustrašivim Crnim vitezom kojem odrezana ruka i noga predstavljaju površinsku ranu...» IMDb
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